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The W World Corp. Plans to be Listed on NASDAQ


W World Corp., a biopharmaceutical company, announces its intention to get listed on NASDAQ on 2020/2021, opening speech by Professor Dr. OUDOM, Chairman of the W World Corp, June 28, 2020 at 0:00 a.m., New York.

W World Corp. is a globally focused biopharmaceutical company dedicated to build the global health industry chain and become a leader in the development of innovative and impactful drugs for the treatment of diseases, especially cancer diseases.

W World Corp. invests in biopharmaceutical health industry in Asia, Oceania, Australia, and Vanuatu, including the third-largest region in Europe. The company has established a long-term strategic partnership with hospitals around the world with high reputation, and started the cooperation of building 33 rehabilitation centers, striving for a new road in the field of medical treatment of cancer and other special diseases.

W World Corp. has maintained a strategic partnership with five universities in Thailand, including Royal University of South Tower, National Xi Ba Gong University, National Northeast University of Science and Technology, National Meizhou University and the National University of Technology, striving for an international breakthrough in the field of medical research, processing and extraction.

In line with the enterprise philosophy of "Serving human health all over the world", W World Corp. will be committed to building a whole health industrial chain integrating the fields of medical treatment, pharmaceutical industry, health education, and training.

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